I recently had the chance to speak with Simon Severino about actionable branding and business growth advice. Simon is a successful CEO, TED speaker, investor, and strategist who is also a Forbes Business Council Member, a contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine, and a member of Duke Corporate Education. What follows is a lightly-edited transcript of our conversation. If you'd like, you can also listen to our conversation in podcast form below.
Ian Evenstar: Before we get started into some of the more specific questions, why don't you just give our listeners a bit of orientation or background on yourself and your company?
Simon Severino: For the last 20 years, I've been doing only one thing, and that's helping people go to market, and how can you sell more, how can you sell better? That's it. But over the last 20 years, yeah, it sounds simple, right? But over the last 20 years, the world has changed, so we had to change what sales mean and how to do it, and the way to deliver it, and obviously digitally. So, I have been pivoting, building, and adapting a ton of times, but only one thing done for 20 years, how you can expand, grow, scale your business with better sales, and this is what we now do as a team.
So I was the consultant, and then I was the bottleneck of the company, and I had to fire myself from operations, and now, three and a half years later, we have coaches in all time zones, some near you, and some in Paris, and some in Amsterdam, and some in London, and some in Singapore, and some in Shanghai, and they're doing the work of helping entrepreneurs regain 10 to 14 hours of their time per week, and having better sales, and more repeatable, reliable sales. And I sit in Vienna, Austria, and I just do the boring stuff now. I run spreadsheets, I hire, and I talk to people on podcasts.
IE: Yes. Well, I'm sure a lot of our listeners can relate to number one; you mentioned being a bottleneck to the operations, possibly a bit of a, I don't want to say crutch, necessarily, but certainly somehow standing in the way of continued growth, and firing yourself also being one of those kinds of principle moves you need to make in order to continue to grow. So, I think we can all relate to that. It's great that you can now help more businesses around the globe, and obviously, your company is continuing to grow as well. You mentioned that you help business owners discover how to run their company more efficiently, which then results in greater sales. How do you enable this?
SS: You will love this, as somebody who was a jiu-jitsu master, because I was a traditional management consultant, suit and tie, and planes, and expensive workshops, that kind of thing, and while I was doing that, I had myself a sports coach. So I was training for my first triathlon, and I had this coach, and that was very different, the way he coached me. He would get my numbers immediately from my watch, and he would write, shoot me an email, "Simon, you are running too fast." "Come on. No. Why?" And then he says, "Yeah, you are only allowed zone two and zone four. There is no zone three. Stay out of zone three. You are in zone three. I know it feels good, but your training plan is not for you to feel good, okay? Do the right stuff. Zone two, super slow, zone four, sprint zone."
And so he would say, immediately, we would have real-time feedback loops instead of long meetings and talking stuff. And I was like, "Wait a moment. This is really helpful. This is what entrepreneurs need. I don't need a month waiting for my coach and then having a month of branding, eight hours of a branding workshop, and then everybody has to fly home. No, no, no, no, no, no. Entrepreneurs need it right now." It's like Spiderman and his friend, the guy in the chair, right? Spiderman is in action and, "Oh, what should I do? Should I kick the left door or the right door?" And then the friend says, "Give me a second... Kick the left door." Right?
So this is what's needed, and I said, "How can I build this? Where is this? Not nowhere. Okay. How can I build it?" And so, that's what we built, and that's now the Strategy Sprints method, and it works on every phone wherever you are. You have now your questions, and you have now activities. You don't have to wait for anything; you just take your coach, you get a Sprint coach for 90 days; that's why we can say, "We double your revenue in 90 days," because we have 180 times the chance to improve things, because they will quickly take us and say, "Hey, coach, I'm sending out an email. Before I send it out, can you give me feedback on the subject line, on the call to action?" And then, of course, 10 minutes of a loop, and then they send it out, and then three hours later, we look at the open rate and click rate, and we send them some swipes and some templates on how to improve that, and that's a helpful small loop situation, and I learned that from my sports coach.
IE: That's a fascinating story. Two things struck me about that. One is having that quick feedback loop from your coach. So important, and I think a differentiator, but I want to ask you how you differentiate here in a moment, but the other thing I heard was this idea of training in the right zone. Do you see that also as kind of applicable to the Strategy Sprints methodology, like staying in the right zone, so to speak?
SS: Absolutely. I just wrote 200 pages about that, and well, just wrote, it took me years to write this, but it just arrived home, right now, the book.
IE: Congratulations.
SS: Thanks. And it's really about three strategies, three habits, and three numbers, but of course, there are 274 tactics, and on the tactical level, that's exactly what you are saying. What's the right pace? So we talk about velocity, and velocity is not just the speed of execution; it's direction and speed together, and this is really important because you can run super fast in the wrong direction. So first thing, right direction, three months, three goals, three numbers that will tell us that you are running in the right direction at the right pace.
So in branding, for example, one of our clients, we're working on a branding project with them, and there is a very clear, there is a marketing number that we measure every seven days, a sales number, and a branding number, a brand index rank, every seven days. So you want to have three goals for three months, and those three goals have one number each measured constantly like my coach was having the info from my clock all the time, visualized in front of you. Otherwise, your team will distract, do too many things, and they lose energy and burn out because there is not enough impact, and then they don't get enough feedback.
So the next thing, super important, is the feedback loop. Imagine you are playing Angry Birds, you send the bird, and then it says 500 points, and then again, you shoot the bird, and it says 600 points. How do you feel?
IE: I feel good. I'm improving.
SS: Most people want to go for 800 points. Yeah, they want to, "Come on, let's go for 800. Let's go for 1,000." And so, because the loop is immediate, you have an immediate impact, you get it immediately back, you see it, you feel it, and you can act more. That's flow; that's one of the principles of flow that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has described very well in his book about flow. That's one of the elements. And so, we have these 274 templates that are about how to create flow and how to stay in flow. Again, something that athletes know very well. You have to be in a peak state. Otherwise, there is no way you are going to deliver at exactly that moment when you need it.
So everything is about being in a peak state, and the training plan is about training in the right zones. So zone two and zone four that's when you train for a triathlon, but whatever your project is, you need to identify your right zones. So, in that case, you want to increase endurance and explosiveness, and you don't want to be in between; it just drains you out. The in-between doesn't make you faster, it doesn't make you stronger, so you lose energy. That's not what you want for an athlete. A team that needs to deliver, a team has to feel which zone is the comfort zone, which zone is the learning zone, and which zone is the panic zone. You don't want to be in the comfort zone, and you don't want to be in the panic zone; you want to be in the learning zone. That's exactly in between.
So if I ask you, "Hey, what do you feel confident writing tomorrow?" And you say "200 words," then a good Sprint coach will say, "Okay, tomorrow you write 280 words," because that's probably just one step more than your comfort zone, but 600 would be your panic zone; you would just procrastinate, don't do it, find excuses, but probably 280, 300, it is something, and that's the art of coaching is feeling, so really seeing you, hearing you, and understanding if 250 or 280 is the right intervention for you to get you into that right zone. And if you have such a coach for 12 weeks and every week, they have the chance hands to calibrate that zone with you; now, your projects will be sprint projects. Now you will have an impact every week. That impact, like Angry Birds, will give you feedback, will give you energy back, and you want to do more. "Hey, wow, I'm writing 250 words. Hey, coach, look at this," and then on the weekend, "Hey, daddy wrote a chapter. This is my first chapter," and that reinforces.
IE: Sure. That's great. One of my business coaches, Donald Miller, you might know the name, he also talks a lot about this feedback loop and how important it is to set these kinds of sprints or mini-milestones so that you get that little hit of dopamine, that encouragement, that excitement that you've actually accomplished something, and it does build momentum over time. So, it's cool to hear kind of your take on that.
We've gone from Angry Birds to triathlons to peak performance. I love it, but what I heard is you're helping CEOs and owners run their company more efficiently by helping them enable a flow state, getting them out of the comfort zone, and avoiding the panic zone, especially for their team, kind of staying in that sweet spot, that learning zone, and then another thing you mentioned that piqued my interest, you mentioned a client, and they have three KPIs, three performance indicators that they're looking at, one of which is a brand index number. How do we measure brand index?
SS: Well, that works if you are BMW, or Uber, et cetera, because there are ranks out there, formal qualitative, quantitative ranks. If you are a small business, there is nothing telling you that, and so we'll have to find the right numbers for you. It might be the number of unique users per week on your website right now. It might be your SEO rank. Like if I Google you, are you number one on page one? Everything else doesn't really matter, so that would be the metric. If it might be organic outreach, it might be PR per week, so the number of magazines that wrote about you in that week.
So, it's really different in every project, but we like to have three marketing numbers that we measure every seven days, and one is organic, so your own media, paid media, and leveraged media, and usually, it's best to have a mix of all three. Right now, paid media is working really bad for everybody, so we help them have their own media, leveraged media right now, and it's also more true and authentic. And so, leveraged media, for example, one of the 274 tactics that we implement with them is to have referral teams, to have other people go out there and promote you, and you can create win-win situations.
One big joint venture with a big company, for example, our joint venture partner this year is Google. And so, Google, which is a company near you, they have a program called Grow with Google, and they say, "Hey, people, come, we can help you grow," but of course, they don't have the time to help those hundreds of people really grow, and so, they have partners, and they say, "Okay, now you talk to the Strategy Sprints team, they can double your revenue. They will help you grow." And it's a win-win-win because Google has a brand strength from that, "Hey, we are the people who help you grow. We are not just the people who dominate the internet. We are people who help SMBs grow." So, it's a brand moment for them. For the SMBs, it's they grow, and for us, it's we get clients. So that's a win-win-win situation, and everybody can build these sorts of things. They just build them faster with our blueprints and swipe copies, and even the contract is what we share with them, how you set it up. And so, that's just one JV tactic.
Another JV tactic is to have many people who are more on your level, on a similar level, have a similar list size, and they write an email about you. You can do swaps, and you can do commissions in percentages, different things. You can do monthly webinars and have eight of them sent to that webinar. There are many, many tactics that we share with our clients, and then we test a couple of them in month one, and in month two, we continue with the one that worked for them and improve each stage every week. That's how we grow tech-forward.
So this would be, for example, some marketing numbers, leveraged media, owned media, and also another leveraged media is on how many podcasts of other people can you be? So I run two podcasts myself, but every day I am on four podcasts of other people, and it's much faster when you start out, other people have grown an audience, you just go there and give value. It's much faster, it's much cheaper for most people to do, and then over time, you can build your media, but that will take time. And so, depending on which stage of your business you are, if you are below 35 K per month, don't build your podcast, use already podcasts of other people. As soon as you hit 35 K per month, now you can probably get yourself out of the weeds, hire more, and do more of the long-term brand-building stuff.
IE: That's a really cool roadmap there that you've laid out for us, and I think we find the same to be true with small businesses that we help in terms of brand lift, being measured by unique visitors, and it might be the conversion rates, the quality of the leads that are coming in, the mentions that they get in media, I think some of the re-shares, if they are active on social. So, that's kind of nice to hear that mirrored back. It feels like a lot of what you deliver is both strategic, but then you mentioned tactics, so it feels tactical as well, and tactical is practical, right? So is that part of, kind of the mix of the Strategy Sprints methodology, is to have strategic counsel and guidance as well as practical, actionable, tactical advice?
SS: Yes, that's what I learned from my sports coaches, that you need both. You need a training plan and a direction, "Okay, [inaudible 00:19:37]," that's my goal, but then you need the tactical level, "Hey, should I take proteins? When should I take proteins? How much should I eat? How much should I sleep?" There's a technical level, and you have hundreds of questions about that, and they are all important. And so, the Strategy Sprints method is really 90 days, three strategies, 274 tactics. The three strategies are the most important thing. Whenever the client starts with us, we let them list out what they're doing, and we say, "Okay, these are all the activities. Now cut them in half," and then they cut them in half, and we say, "Now cut them in half again," and that's the set of the starting set. Now we are much more focused.
And the next thing is they try again to start everything again. For example, usually, we tell them to stop social media for 90 days because we have more important stuff to do. We need to create a sales system that is repeatable and works while they sleep. So we will work on sales and SOPs, sales, SOPs, sales, SOPs. And usually then, after a couple of weeks, they say, "Oh, but I want to do a LinkedIn live," et cetera, and then we go, "All right, let's run it through the three strategies. Strategy number one, does it increase by 25% the price you can charge for your offer?" "No." "All right. Does it increase by 25% the sales frequency, so will it shorten your sales time?" "No." "Okay. Number three, does it increase by 25% your conversion rate?" "No."
Okay. So you have your answer, right? Stick to the most important, to the direct growth path in this phase right now, and that's the benefit of having a coach, right? They help you stay on track and do the few things that, if you do them right, it's just scaling. And so, these are the three strategies, increase by 25%, the frequency, the conversion rate, the price, and all activities that don't do that for the next 90 days, they're on hold. You might want to restart them later when you have now a machine that generates from every conversation and it generates a paid project. All right, now you can start and go out there and tell everybody about it.
IE: Yep. Well, thanks for giving us a little taste of the secret sauce. I think that's very kind of you. Obviously, there's more to it than just as you've described it, but it's nice to get kind of under the hood a little bit and look at what the engine is behind all of this. You mention revenue as kind of one of the leading promises, I guess, that Strategy Sprints delivers on, so double revenue in 90 days, you've given us a view of how that works. Is profitability part of the mix as well? I'm thinking about those businesses who are often growing at an accelerated rate, their top-line revenue is also growing, but they haven't quite figured out profitability yet. How do you account for that?
SS: Profitability is much more important than revenue, and so we usually start with revenue because you need to get more oxygen in the system usually. When you have that cash flow, then we get them out of the weeds by hiring more, and then now I have 10 to 14 hours of their time per week freed up, this is when we now work on the profitability systems. So we go through each cost position, and I can give you an example. Last week, somebody called me from the US, and they run a counseling company. So they have counselors, and he says his revenue is X per year, but his profitability rate, is 25%. And I go, "Hey, wait a moment. Don't raise your revenue. Let's get your profitability from 25% to 65%, and you have a much better life, much better operations, and much happier clients, don't increase the revenue right now."
And he was like, "How can I do that?" I said, "Well, first of all, do you really need this cost position, this cost position, this cost? Do you really need offices?" Counseling can be done online on Zoom. That's a reduction of a huge cost position, right? The second thing is how many fixed costs do you have versus variable costs? You want to turn all fixed costs into variable costs. For example, in consulting sometimes, and I'm 20 years that I'm consulting consultancies, and I see so many consultants, even the most prominent ones, with a profit rate of 25%, because they say, "Yeah, my coaches, my consultants are so expensive. They're senior consultants."
We have only senior consultants; our profit rate is 82% net. Net. You have three, profitability, you have gross operational, and net. Net is after everything, right? And except taxes, in this case. And you can do that by turning your fixed costs into variable costs. That means when there is less work, you have fewer costs. When you have more work, you have more costs. Well, you want to have more costs when there is more work, and it needs to scale up and down with the capacity, with the throughput, then it's a good system. So yes, profitability is super important. There are also very specific acupuncture points. This is one, turn your fixed costs into variable costs. The other one is to check if those costs are really needed, are still needed, because most of us started our businesses somewhere in the '90s, '80s, and this is where you would need some buildings, et cetera, but double-check if people really need it right now, probably not, it's best time to turn your fixed costs into variable costs, the best time to get rid of some old models, and embrace the new models.
With some clients, we are helping them right now embrace the blockchain. These are clients in the FinTech space. Incredible how much costs we are reducing right now because they don't need these expensive networks anymore. They can just plug into the blockchain. They have now 60,000 employees, and they're not paying one of them. Those people wake up in the morning, and they build stuff. You just plug in there. Like Square is plugging into the layers ones right now, or even Visa is plugging into the layer ones. You plug into stuff that's already there, and it does cost nothing; everybody wakes up in the morning and improves it for you.
IE: Thank you for that. I think that that was a really nice mini sprint into profitability. I love the idea of going through your cost positions and assessing what is fixed that could be variable, and also, of course, always looking at what you could trim or what you could pivot into as part of that process. Let's talk a little bit about how you differentiate since we're on a branding podcast, and as you are, I'm sure well aware, branding is a lot about differentiating from your competitors. There are a lot of business coaches out there, branding coaches. What makes your set of coaches or your methodology distinct? I know you've highlighted a few things, but what else differentiates you from, I guess, the rest of the pack?
SS: So what differentiates us is that we really double your revenue in 90 days. That's a big difference, and the reason why is because we have thought really, really a lot, and first, we only do this thing. Now, it's 20 years, and that's the reason why it works because every week, I improve one of the parts. I'm not distracted by seven different things. I've only one offer, and so, every week get feedback from our clients, and I improve this part and that part.
It's like a gardener. I go through my garden, I give that a little bit of water, I have to move that plant a little bit further there because there is too much sun. And so, if you do that, after 20 years, your garden is healthy, is resilient, it's a great garden. And it takes 20 years to build actually, a good soil, and you can destroy it in two years, and then it takes you 20 years again to create good soil. So, I guess that's our differentiation. It really works, and there is the reason why it works because, yeah, we are on it. Every week, we improve it.
IE: That's a great answer. I think you're implying there that possibly some business coaches and brand coaches may not be delivering at the level that they promise, but you, in fact, are delivering on that core brand promise. So I love that, and I hope listeners take you up on that because it's a phenomenal way to help them improve their business. Speaking of things that I think differentiate you, I was wondering if you were going to mention this on your own, but I'll raise the question for you. You've given us this idea, and this is on your website and some of the literature that you've published, this idea is that you want businesses, brands, CEOs, owners, and entrepreneurs, to fall in love with the problem, not the solution. We all always have, I think, our eye on the prize, our eye on the finished desired state of our companies. Why do you want us to fall in love with the problem, not the solution?
SS: So imagine your ideal client is mothers, and you have created a calendar because you know that mothers always have limited time, and you have created the perfect solution, it's a calendar, and it's a paper calendar. So, would you rather stay with the paper calendar moving forward, or would you rather stay with the problem, which is evergreen? They will always have limited time and wish they had more time. Now, they are the everyday heroes, I don't know how they do it, but they organize, right? And so, if you can help them organize, you are helping really, their life and their whole family, but you don't want to be the paper calendar guy when everything digitizes, and after digital, who knows what they're doing? Maybe they will have HoloLens, and maybe it will just appear on the wall when they look at the wall.
So you will change your technologies every couple of years, but if you stick with their problem, you can be the trusted partner for that tribe of mothers, and they know other mothers, and they will tell other mothers, "Hey, I had less time, now I have more time because I was working with them." And your solutions will change over the years, but you stay with the community, and with the problem of that community, I think that's the only evergreen part. Everything else will change. So, I like to say, "A fool with a tool is still a fool." Stay with the problem, the problem is there, stay with the community, and then you can come in and create new stuff.
For example, I trust Tesla completely, completely, because they have delivered every year for me. Now, next year, if they start something completely different, I'm the first one to sign up, whatever it is, count me in. I don't care about the product. You understand me, you understand the world I'm in, you understand where I want to be in a smarter energy transition, and whatever you bring out, I'm in. Let's go. They do not focus on cars. We will not hear anything about cars in three years from Tesla, we will hear different things, and they will evolve. They have three different S-curves going on right now. In three years, we will just hear robots, but the purpose is the same, the problem is the same. The problem is the world is not using a smart energy way of life, right?
So the solution is clear. We have to transit from A to B, and that's how they build their brand, and that's why people who are into it are into it, it's specifically for those people. And the products will change. At some point, they will not do EVs, they will do flying taxis, and after flying taxis, they will do robots that build robots. The problem is here, and they're doing everything right. That's why they dominate, and that's why they will be around.
IE: So you're encouraging business owners to stay focused on their customers, their prospective customer, client, and their problems, and stay keenly aware of where those pain points are. Don't worry about the solution because that will allow you to be flexible and variable in how you pivot your services and solutions. How about from the kind of the internal perspective, a CEO should also be focused on their own company's problems. Do you see that model kind of working for your clients, as well as yourself?
SS: That's an interesting thing, right? If you see problems everywhere as a CEO, well, the good part is that you catch things faster, but I really want to turn problems into "Wow." I don't want to stick with problems the whole day that drains me down. So, but of course, you wake up, and there is a problem in that country, and that product, and that team, I need this, this isn't working, this isn't delivered. So, for me, the goal is to stay in a mindset of abundance, to be high energy, and to come in and say, "All right, I will tackle every problem with courage. So show me, show me the broken supply chain. Okay, let's look at it. What can we do? Oh, the ships are lining up in front of our eyes. All right. What do we do?" And moving forward, of course, it's not helpful to whine six hours about ships lining up, the question is, what do we do moving forward, right now?
IE: Yeah, well said. I know one thing they could probably do, hire a Strategy Sprints coach. Right? Pick up that phone, pick up that website address here. That's cool. Another concept you champion, and I love these initialisms that you kind of reinvent. So we have the ROI initialism. We all know the return on investment. I actually reposition that myself as the reach of impact, that's one we use at our agency, but you've taken the ROI and turned it into ROL, return on luck. Why is this important?
SS: So I have to give credit to Jim Collins, he did that. He asked the question, "How is it possible?" He was researching greatness, and he said, "How is it possible everybody is working at home, but some people get lucky?" For example, Tesla, I think he was a little bit more with the more traditional guys that he was researching, but he was like, "Why does Microsoft crush it, and others don't?" Right. How is it possible? Everybody puts in the hours, everybody's giving their best. Why do some people crush it, and others don't?
So what are teams doing that are luckier, he called it, than others, and I was like, "That's a fascinating question." That's a really fascinating question because if we get that, what can I do to make luck land here and not there? Well, that's the most important thing to find out. And so, I continued with this exploratory question in my mind and I was seeing many, many, many entrepreneurs and teams, and my observation is you have a higher probability of getting lucky with one lucky punch if you try more punches. It's pretty simple, right?
So, for example, what makes one YouTube episode go viral? There is nothing that you can find in terms of, "Oh, it's the thumbnail. No, it's the hook. No, it's the fascination." None of them. The only thing is the one YouTuber who shapes three per week for five years has a higher chance of having that one lucky punch, and it's not in his control. The other side, the audience, will make it go viral, and they have no clue. But in hindsight, then we will study that one video and say, "Okay, what was working? How can we make more of that?" But the ROL, the return on luck, if you have two YouTubers, well, the one will have more luck that shapes more videos. That's why I shape one every day because I cannot possibly know what's going to work, but I will shape 300 per year, and maybe in the third year, one works, right? And then I will learn from there.
IE: That's great. It reminds me, I believe it was Twain who said, "The harder I work, the more luck I seem to have," and I think it's a similar idea, but maybe the inflection is "The harder and smarter you work, the more luck you seem to have." Love that.
It's not about push. Yeah. Yeah. In jiu-jitsu, you would never push more push more. If you push more, you get hard, and when you get hard, you lose because your opponent feels it and enters the other side, right? They use your force against you. So, it's not about harder or more, it's about increasing the learning speed, not volumes and volumes, but learning speed. So, if I do 300 videos per year, that means I'm doing 30 per month, I'm doing seven per week, I will learn how during the week already. That's the point. So I will learn so much more because, in this video, I learn something about targeting. In that video, I learn something about the thumbnail. In that video, I learn something about how to keep people watching longer.
Every time, I have some micro learnings, and those micro learnings compound because when I do the next video, which is tomorrow, I will have learned a little bit about thumbnail, a little bit about the hook, a little bit about watching time, and that compounds into the next video, and I think it's about learning maximization. This is the game right now. If you can learn more than your competitors, you will shape better staff that solves more problems that have more resonance. And so, I think the goal for every team right now, for everybody running businesses, is how can we learn more right now, this hour, this day?
IE: You may have to have a return on learning as part of that mantra in ROL. It's great. I love the increased learning speed as a way to kind of increase your competitive advantage and increase your brand equity. At the agency, we also have a value, a core value, it's actually our number one value around knowledge, teaching, and learning, being a part of that value. So it's nice to hear that, a little positive reinforcement there. As we're kind of looking to close our conversation here, are there some simple ways that we could start building our company's brand, or in this case, maybe start to increase our learning speed as an organization?
SS: Yes. So when staff gets tough, there are three things that always work for me, my daily habit, weekly habit, and monthly habit. My daily habit is how do I allocate my time? And then, I get two reflective questions that help me delegate more tomorrow and have more impact tomorrow. So, this is probably one thing that everybody can apply right now this week, and I even share my personal template. It's on our website, strategysprints.com, and they can download The Daily Flow.
The Daily Flow is what I write down, so today, at the end of my day, before I shut down my computer and go cooking for my kids, I will plan the day of tomorrow. What am I going to do, six o'clock, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock? When is deep work? When is exercise? When are meetings allowed? When do I allow interviews? For example, in the morning, I do only deep work and exercise. In the afternoon, I allow interviews and meetings, and all of that stuff, because it's a completely different energy, completely different flow. For me, it makes a difference, and so, that's a good flow for me, morning, deep work and exercise, afternoon, the rest.
So, and that came about because I was doing every day this daily flow with exactly that template that they find on strategysprints.com. And after some weeks, I learned more about my patterns, what I need when, and what helps me, really shaping stuff. And so, that's one thing that they can do immediately, I think, and they will learn about themselves, about their energy, about what gives them energy, what takes energy, about what really moves the needle forward for them specifically.
IE: That's great. That's great. Is this kind of the one piece of advice you would give us if someone were to come to you today and say, "Hey, what's the one thing I should be focusing on today or starting tomorrow?" Is this the same piece of advice you would give them?
SS: Yeah. If you want to learn more about what a good daily flow is for you, go to strategysprints.com, download The Daily Flow, write it down, and learn from there. If you want to double your revenue, go to strategysprints.com, click something and jump on our phone, and let us help you scale faster than ever.
IE: That's great. I love that. And double your revenue in 90 days; you heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen. Please remind us, is this the best way to contact you, go to the website, or are there other ways to connect?
SS: Strategysprints.com, and if you like YouTube, I run a daily YouTube show, it's called Simon Severino, where I share whatever I'm exploring and learning that day.
IE: Oh, that sounds wonderful. A good way to get to know you a little bit more deeply and also continue to learn from you. Simon, thanks for joining us today. This has been a great conversation. I've learned a lot, and I'm sure our listeners appreciate your time, so thank you very much.
SS: Thank you, Ian. Thank you, everybody. Keep rolling.
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